Thursday, November 10, 2016

They robbed us but we are not blue here at CCBC Peru

Carvers at CCBC Peru Fall 2016
Click Below to Watch our update video for this semester
Please Pray for us:
I am teaching the Book of Hebrews starting October 26 (in one week) and going for two weeks.  If everybody could pray that the Lord would root us in his New Covenant and take us out of the old, that would be the greatest prayer you could pray these few weeks.  

Some good news and some tragedy at CCBC Peru

Carvers and Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru.  
Please watch the video below if you desire to know more about Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru and what the Carvers have been involved in these three years.  
Our Cuzco mission team above.  Pastor Kenneth Dujay and his wife Letty top left.  We had a wonderful time in Cuzco doing some outreach with Kenneth and Letty in Cuzco for a week.  We saw some of the students exercising gifts and some others even discovering gifts in which the Lord has wanted to use them.  The greatest testimony that I can express concerning how I believe the Lord is working in the new church plant is that when we went to a Thursday night open church prayer meeting, half of the church showed up to pray.  Even if half the church is 8 people, its still a great percentage. I believe that the people that God has brought to this little church are being fed well the word and are being attracted to a true sense of God that is being expressed at the chruch.  
It is such a blessing to see people stepping out in faith to do things that they would otherwise be uncomfortable doing.  Above is Rosemary, a student from Mexico, who had to be strongly convinced into teaching the kids.  But once having done it she was very happy to have done it, and it was evident that what she said was used by God as the kids responded very well.   
One of the highlights of the trip was one day in the park outside the church we did a kids outreach and we presented a re-enactment of David and Goliath.  As the shortest person on the team we asked my son Isaiah to be David, and the blonde guy in the corner was Goliath.  I have been longing for the day when I can begin to involve my kids in the ministry in some way and this was one of the first instances of being able to do it.  
I was very proud of many of the students on our trip who I could tell were hungry to share the word after being filled up all semester with Bible Classes.  Above is Roger, a third semester student from Lima, who I saw continually taking the initiative and jumping into conversations with people.  
Please pray for our campus as we were just robbed a second time this semester.  The thieves were seen and ran off, however not without a few hundred dollars of supplies.  It wasn't too hard of a hit financially, but we are feeling vulnerable.  The hardest hit was that they poisoned our campus dog who died at about 9:00 the next morning.  Please pray that we might find a trustworthy night watchman, and that we might finish the semester strong.  
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