Thursday, November 10, 2016

They robbed us but we are not blue here at CCBC Peru

Carvers at CCBC Peru Fall 2016
Click Below to Watch our update video for this semester
Please Pray for us:
I am teaching the Book of Hebrews starting October 26 (in one week) and going for two weeks.  If everybody could pray that the Lord would root us in his New Covenant and take us out of the old, that would be the greatest prayer you could pray these few weeks.  

Some good news and some tragedy at CCBC Peru

Carvers and Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru.  
Please watch the video below if you desire to know more about Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru and what the Carvers have been involved in these three years.  
Our Cuzco mission team above.  Pastor Kenneth Dujay and his wife Letty top left.  We had a wonderful time in Cuzco doing some outreach with Kenneth and Letty in Cuzco for a week.  We saw some of the students exercising gifts and some others even discovering gifts in which the Lord has wanted to use them.  The greatest testimony that I can express concerning how I believe the Lord is working in the new church plant is that when we went to a Thursday night open church prayer meeting, half of the church showed up to pray.  Even if half the church is 8 people, its still a great percentage. I believe that the people that God has brought to this little church are being fed well the word and are being attracted to a true sense of God that is being expressed at the chruch.  
It is such a blessing to see people stepping out in faith to do things that they would otherwise be uncomfortable doing.  Above is Rosemary, a student from Mexico, who had to be strongly convinced into teaching the kids.  But once having done it she was very happy to have done it, and it was evident that what she said was used by God as the kids responded very well.   
One of the highlights of the trip was one day in the park outside the church we did a kids outreach and we presented a re-enactment of David and Goliath.  As the shortest person on the team we asked my son Isaiah to be David, and the blonde guy in the corner was Goliath.  I have been longing for the day when I can begin to involve my kids in the ministry in some way and this was one of the first instances of being able to do it.  
I was very proud of many of the students on our trip who I could tell were hungry to share the word after being filled up all semester with Bible Classes.  Above is Roger, a third semester student from Lima, who I saw continually taking the initiative and jumping into conversations with people.  
Please pray for our campus as we were just robbed a second time this semester.  The thieves were seen and ran off, however not without a few hundred dollars of supplies.  It wasn't too hard of a hit financially, but we are feeling vulnerable.  The hardest hit was that they poisoned our campus dog who died at about 9:00 the next morning.  Please pray that we might find a trustworthy night watchman, and that we might finish the semester strong.  
Copyright © 2016 Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru), All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How to pray for Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru this week (June 2016)

Carver Family Directing Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru
Thanks for all your prayers and support of the Carver Family Directing Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru.  It is our desire to see the grace of God established in the lives of everybody that we know and for this school to be immersed in it.  We hope and pray that those who have the same heart would consider supporting, praying for and even coming down sometime to take a look at what God is doing.  
Graduation this year featured two great students. Ishmarai Meza from Mexico and Josiah Hind from the United States (Picture top right).  I was blessed to present them with their certificates and pray for them as they head toward the next step the Lord has placed in front of them.  Josiah will be staying in Peru to continue to serve here as a missionary and Ishmarai is praying about an internship at the Bible College as soon as the Lord opens the door.  "Man plans his ways but the Lord establishes his steps."  
I present to you this year's summer program participants of Youth Summer of Missions led by Cory Kilgus (seen right).  Starting two days ago these guys are going to be in an intense 6 week training course for missionaries that includes teaching in the book of Acts, workshops, and a series of mission trips from the mountains to the jungles and all the way to the coastal zone of Peru.  Please pray for the word to be spread to all of Peru.  Please pray for wisdom as they find difficulties, that the difficulties would actually become the Lord's leading through the Spirit and they and all who are ministered to might have peace together in the Lord.  Amen!
Tonight I get the opportunity to teach at Calvary Chapel Joshua Springs at their 4 o clock and 7 o'clock wednesday night services.  Please pray for the teaching that it would be blessed and bear fruit.  I will be teaching on Psalm 46. "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in time of need.
Calvary Chapel Joshua Springs is actually the church where my wife and I got married, and I will be teaching from the very same stage on which I said "I do."  
I will also be sharing at my brother Bryan Carver's college group this Friday night.  Bryan is college and high school pastor of Calvary Chapel Nexus in Camarillo California.  Please pray for me Friday night.  
Copyright © 2016 Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru), All rights reserved.

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hombres in the Mountains

Click on Ted and Nate to see a short 4 minute video about our Men's Retreat

Matthew and Ivy Carver with Calvary Chapel Bible College, Peru
This semester's men's retreat was in an exotic location, with great times of sharing, adventurous exploration, a bit of discomfort, some opportunities for stillness, and, above all, wonder.  He leads us by still water...the mountains quake before his name.  
Please click on Nate and Ted below to see a short 4 minute video of the retreat

A little fruit from the Trip
This is Gonzalo.  He has been a friend of mine for 8 years.  He first got involved in the church when the Bible college was in Lima and it was there that we met.  About 4 years ago he got offered a job as a surf photographer for Nike and Hurley.  Due to personal reasons, and with the temptation of being able to travel and be a part of a something very big and exciting, he stopped going to church and his walk with the Lord diminished.  For the last 4 years he has been all over the world, he knows famous surfers that I have only watched on internet videos.  But his life was very empty.  Due to many different influences in his life, he has quit his job, moved to our city to be a part of the Bible College aid, and was able to participate in this year's men's retreat.  It reminds of Zacchaeus when he said, "“Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold." While one of our staff members Ted Howse shared his testimony, Gonzalo spontaneously began to share his own testimony of being lost in the surf world and how much the Lord resisted him through that time.  At that end of it he said, "I didn't think that I was going to speak, it just started coming out."  The Lord used the power of testimony to bear witness to his ability to save once again.  Gonzalo is just beginning to walk with the Lord again, he says he feels refreshed, but he is still just barely taking new steps of faith.  Pray for him that his faith might be established.  
Mission Trips
This Friday (March 25) we are sending all of our students on our semester missions trips.  We are visiting 3 cities in the North of Peru: the jungles of Iquitos and Moyobamba and the mountains of Cajabamba city.  Please pray for our students as they go and if any of you have it on your heart to support a student on his trip, please feel free to email us at  
From us here in Peru, thank you so much for all your love and support and prayers.  Please pray for the establishing of the Bible College, the classes, the mission trips, and that God's word might become known through Peru.  
Copyright © 2016 Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru), All rights reserved. 
Support Info: All checks payable to Calvary Chapel Living Hope at the address below - Memo: Carver Family. Or at - Click "Select a page", "On-line Giving", "Missions:Carver Family" 

Our mailing address is: 
Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru)
625 Seagaze Dr.
OceansideCA  92054

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A string of events caused by grace

Click on my face above to see a video of our most recent outreach to our local community of Llacanora.  

A string of events caused by grace
Good morning from the Andes Mountains.  Thank you for your interest in what God is doing here at Calvary Chapel Bible College, Peru.  I would like to tell you a story, something I was able to be a witness of over the last few weeks, concerning a string of events that displays the direct connection between our first class of the semester and the direct fruit born in the outreach seen above in the video. This year God led us to open up our semester with our first class “Growing in Grace” taught by Brad Lambert from CC Living Hope in Oceanside, CA (class seen above). Our principal goal as a school can be expressed in the words of the title of the class, that we might see God raise up an army of Christian servants who are driven by grace.  In the class a contrast was made between “Old Covenant, law driven” servants of God and “New Covenant, grace driven” servants of God.  
Now I would like to introduce you to one of our students Alexis Fiestas (seen above).  Alexis, before arriving to Calvary Chapel Lima, was in a ministry for a long time that he would describe as Old Covenant.  They had a program, they were strong, but he couldn’t find the Lord working in his life in that ministry.  He then arrived at Calvary Chapel Lima and finally to the Bible College where he has learned about the grace of God.  He summarises the change like this, “Before, legalism was more important to me, now, the people are more important.”  A week after the end of “Growing in Grace” we had our first semester outreach to the central plaza of our small farming community called “Llacanora" (video above).  Alexis was placed in charge and he led it with emphasis toward people and relationships and with less emphasis on program and schedule.  
Alexis' emphasis bore fruit!  During the outreach, the students as a whole were, on their own initiation, pursuing the people.  Toward the last hour or so of the outreach one could see students scattered throughout the plaza talking one on one with the people, meeting them, praying with them.  The next Sunday at our brand new on campus church service, we received our first two non-student or staff attenders, two people from the community who we were able to reach through the outreach!  There names are Nancy and John.  They brought their children and their children were able to enjoy Sunday school.  This is the kind of the fruit that we love and expect to see if it is God moving through this school, and I am so privilegded to be a part of it.  It begins with the word in class, and it reaches one student leader, it changes his emphasis, it spreads to many students, it reaches into the community, and it begins to light a fire in the hearts of men.  This is not a man centered work!  This is God, showing grace and lighting hearts on fire with passion as a result. Thank you all so much for being a part of the fruit of this ministry.  Please pray that our current classes: "Daniel" with Marquitos Martinez, "Pastoral Epistles" with Kevin Green, and "Proverbs" with John Bonner would bear fruit as well.  

The staff and student body of CCBC Peru Spring 2016.  
Construction has been happening at break neck speed the last few weeks.  This is a recently finished room in our administration building where we are currently meeting for church services.  We call it "the sun room."  It looks sunny, doesn't it?
A team from Seigen, Germany was here for three weeks and tackled huge amounts of the construction project.  And they were a hilarious group of guys.  I never thought I would come to Peru and learn some German.  
Women's retreat just last weekend at Laguna Seca Resort.  Theme: John 15
Pastor Brad from Calvary Living Hope, when he taught the Growing in Grace class brought three good friends of mine with him to support the work.  They were a blessing to me and to the class and also did some work on campus.  Mike Farril (to the right of Brad), Jared Younger, and David Mealy (both on far right).  
One of the things the German team tackled was the roof of the auditorium.  Pretty soon we'll be meeting in here to have church services and classes.  
Thank you for your prayers from the Carvers.  Please pray for wisdom in discipleship of the students, which is the most important focus of the ministry.  Also please pray for wisdom concerning the next step in our family life, the education of our children.  There are so many options and in our situation we need the Lord to direct us to the right one.  God bless you all...until the Lord comes.  
Copyright © 2016 Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru), All rights reserved. 
Support Info: All checks payable to Calvary Chapel Living Hope at the address below - Memo: Carver Family. Or at - Click "Select a page", "On-line Giving", "Missions:Carver Family" 

Our mailing address is: 
Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru)
625 Seagaze Dr.
OceansideCA  92054