Monday, April 13, 2015

Little Lamb

Calvary Chapel Bible College: Spring 2015

Matt and Ivy Carver

Things are going well as we near the half way point of the semester.  We have 7 students joining us from different parts of the United states, as well as 10 joining us from all over Peru and South America.  Plus the miriads of volunteers, from all over both the states and Peru.  If you can't find Ivy and I, we are in the back left, just look for the monkey on top of me picking at my hair.  
One of Ivy and I's most consistent jobs this semester has been translation.  As well as teaching "Evangelio de Lucas" in Spanish every Tuesday morning, I also translate "Nehemiah" on Thursday morning and many other scattered services such as devotions and some chapel services.  (Seen above: a sunday night chapel service taught by Nate Bauer with me translating).
We also have one more announcement: The photo above is self explanatory.  
Ivy also translates a lot throughout the week: Wednesdays for "Attributes of God" Class taught by Bill Holdridge along with various power point presentations, quizzes, tests, and other events such as the one pictured above.  This is Ivy translating for Luanna (one of the students) at the women's retreat held this semester at "Laguna Seca Resort and Spa."  As well as translating Ivy was also the principle organizer of the event.  

God Bless you in all your ministry

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Support Info: All checks payable to Calvary Chapel Living Hope at the address below - Memo: Carver Family. Or at - Click "Select a page", "On-line Giving", "Missions:Carver Family" 

Our mailing address is: 
Calvary Chapel Living Hope (with Calvary Chapel Bible College Peru)
625 Seagaze Dr.
OceansideCA  92054